Designing a pool for all to enjoy
A backyard pool is something that everyone should be able to enjoy. Whether you or a loved one are injured, elderly, or have a physical disability, the team at Anthony & Sylvan can help you design a pool that is both beautiful and handicap-accessible.
Handicap-Accessible Options

Lifts are swings or chairs attached to a mechanical or hydraulic arm that allow people to be placed gently in the water. Lifts are a great solution if you wish to modify an existing pool without doing a complete renovation. Permanent lifts are bolted down or slipped into a metal sleeve in the pool deck. Non-permanent, portable lifts are also available. Pricing varies depending on the type of lift you need.

Ramps can be built for functionality, appearance, or both and are perfect for people in wheelchairs who are looking to enjoy their swimming pools. Ramps require a very specific rate of incline to be deemed safe enough to meet handicap-accessibility standards. Add safety features like handrails and an aquatic pool wheelchair and everyone will be able to get in and out of the pool freely and safely.

Beach Access
Beach access or walk-in pools are the least assistive of the handicap-accessible pool options, creating a gentle alternative to ladders and stairs. This slowly sloping option gives your pool a natural look, as if it were a lake or an ocean. Slope requirements of a beach entry surrender much of the shallow end wading area to this gradual entry method.

Image Gallery
Browse our pool gallery to see how the various pool shapes, styles and features come to life.
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